Pricing Terms & Conditions
Free 30-day trial
It’s important to be able to try things out.
Once you have signed up for our free trial, it will take up to 3 days to verify your organisation. For those integrating API services, your technical resources will then need some time to activate the API services.
In the meantime, we will connect you with helpful preparation materials. You are also welcome to request a consultation or demonstration with one of our Customer Success representatives at any time.

Terms & Conditions
When signing up to any of our services you will need to accept our terms and conditions. Below is a summary of key information, please refer to the Terms & Conditions for full details.
Annual Discount
If you prefer to pay annually, we will give you 12 months for the price of 11 months, after your free trial has ended. Simply select the 'Pay annually' option during checkout.
You can cancel at any time with 30 days notice. Simply advise us through our Billing enquiries in the customer service desk. If you were paying annually we will refund the unused portion of your plan.
Who owns the data?
Everledger provides a platform to share data regarding the nature and origin of your products, and if you are a data provider you are in control of how your data is used. Our terms recognises Client-uploaded content and makes specific provisions for how it is used. Talk to us if you have specific questions or concerns.
Pricing for transfer of ownership - diamonds
The pricing for the transfer of ownership of diamonds relates to its carat weight, and is payable by the purchaser (or a third party on behalf of the purchaser), when the diamond is transferred.
Up to 0.69 carats U$14.00
0.70 - 0.99 carats U$16.00
1.0 - 1.49 carats U$18.00
1.50+ carats U$20.00
Other asset types 1%
Fees are payable to Everledger on transfer of the digital record to a new party.
Other asset types typically pay 1% of the asset sale price.

Any hidden costs?
We are in the business of transparency, so we don’t like to hide things.
If you are seeking additional user licences on your account these are available for U$49 per person/ month. If you are a large enterprise or platform, then please speak with our commercial representatives to ensure you are on the most economical pricing plan.
If there are any changes to our pricing, we will notify you 30 days in advance.
I am not in diamonds,
what products can I use?
We have a number of deployments not yet listed for public adoption. Talk with us to discover whether we already have a private or consortium solution in your industry, or perhaps we can work with you as an industry pioneer.
Make sure to check out Identify solution, which provides a means to engage consumers with your products, and is applicable to most industries.